Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Terminal Living

Some moments are forever etched in your memory. 33 years ago we sat in our child birth class, wide-eyed watching the real life births on the television screen. When the class was over we went to the library (our version of a cheap date). I distinctly remember thinking, "there HAS to be another way to get this baby out...without pain, trauma, discomfort!" Then I was reminded of the millions and millions of women before me who had successfully given birth and lived to tell about it. Courage rose up within me along with the somewhat competitive thought, "if they can do it, SO CAN I!" Remembering the many women who gave birth without the medical help we have today in my little corner of the world helped me to be brave. And, what do you know, I went through that three times!

Well, that same thought process has been rumbling around in my brain for the past few days with regards to dying. I hope you are not too disappointed to hear that many of my thoughts - when not otherwise occupied - center around how one makes that transition from earthly life to heavenly forever life. More specifically, how I will make that transition....when.... I want to be brave. I need to have courage. But I'm wondering if there is another easier way??? Like childbirth, it just ain't so.

Did you know that more people die from lung cancer than any other cancer? Five-year survival is around 54% for early stage lung cancer that is localized to the lungs, but only around 4% in advanced, inoperable lung cancer. 4%!!!!??? Most of the time, I don't dwell on those statistics. But it is sobering, for sure! HOWEVER, did you know that being human has a 0% survivor rate? We are all walking around with a terminal condition! Why is it so easy to forget that? To live like we'll be here forever. That this life is the end all and be all of our existence? Why do I get so emotional when I think of end of life on earth? Have not millions and millions before me gone through the valley of the shadow of death? Children of God are assured a safe passage and a glorious home-going party on the other side of the door. If they can do it, SO CAN I!

It's been sung that "I hope you get the chance to live like you are dying". For 14 months I've listened to the evil chuckles and discouraging snarls from the monster in a cage in the corner of my room. Yes, thank God, I'm in remission, feeling well and doing life. But that unwelcome resident has opened my eyes to the overwhelming love of God permeating my entire room! It's opened my ears to the comforting whispers of the Holy Spirit. It's clarified gratitude for each simple joy. The Word of God has become my lifeline like never before. It's reminded me that each day is a gift filled with purpose and strength for the task. No new great revelation here but something worth being reminded of, don't you think?


  1. Nancy, I watched my 22 year old son pass into his Heavenly home. I can attest to the faithfulness of our Lord in his journey. So painful, yet beautiful for me to watch. It was as though God held him above his earthly trials. BUT still I struggle with living like I am dying! It is very worth being reminded!! I love that the Word of God is your very breath! May God continue to be your greatest source of peace and strength! Love your posts!

    1. Thank you for sharing a little of your story, Sharon. I'm sorry for your loss! What a comfort knowing we'll be reunited is. Thank you for your words of encouragement. My prayer is that these simple words make a difference in someone's life. I want to make this journey count for God's kingdom. God bless you today!

  2. Should be talked about more. Excellent post. I work in long term care and it is amazing how many have never considered it happening and are not prepared either with wills or property or family. I say SEIZE THE DAY each day with that balance of having things thought through but also making death (which we all will have with our without cancer like you said) swallowed up in victory through Christ. Thanks Nancy for sharing.

    1. Amen to living in that balance of seizing the day and looking to eternity!!! Thank you, Cindy.


I am a Poem

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