Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Looking Inside.....on getting an MRI

Taking a look inside.....that's what will be happening for me this Friday morning. I've not had a complete chest and abdomen scan or brain MRI since near the beginning of this journey. After 18 months of outwardly seeing great results and miraculous health, it's time to take a peak inside so see what is really going on. I've not been in a hurry to get scans. But it's time. Cancer survivors call the emotions leading up to this "scanxiety". It's the unknown AGAIN. Waiting and wondering. Being hopeful and yet uncertain. The pictures will show. AT LEAST we have the capability to see inside today, right?

Outwardly, everything appears to be good, normal. But that was the case before my diagnosis and yet the cancer was quietly spreading throughout my body! I was eating healthy foods and exercising and still it was moving from my lung to lymph nodes, bone and brain! The only way to get an accurate assessment is to look deep inside. Prayers would be greatly appreciated! I'm hoping for a miracle of NED. No Evidence of Disease.

That reminds me of the work that God's Word does for our spirits! It's easy to be doing the right things outwardly. Look good. Act appropriately. And yet inwardly a cancer of resentment....unforgiveness....hidden bondage....jugemental attitudes.....can be spreading quietly, taking over. Replacing the good with ungratefulness. Peace with worry (my daily struggle). Faith with fear.

In this day of many helpful books, podcasts, videos, and blogs :-), our time can be used up. The Bible can be left on the shelf. Unread. And yet, truly, it is the ONLY God-breathed book. This book is ALIVE and filled with TRUTH. This book can somehow reach deep inside, and like the brain MRI I'll be getting, take an accurate picture of what's REALLY going on inside. AND, it not only says "this is what's going on" but it provides a remedy for the issues that are exposed.

"For the Word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart." Hebrews 4:12

I don't want to get these CT scans and MRI's more than absolutely necessary. BUT, I need the clear inside picture of my heart daily from God's Word. It's the only way to grow and become the person God created me to be, living my moments to the fullest.  Free. Forgiven. Healed.

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