Monday, January 2, 2017

The Case of Mistaken Identity

A few weeks ago I pulled into the parking lot of the Christiana Library to restock my reading supply. I noticed one of our neighbors sitting in his red Blazer a few spaces over. It had probably been a few years since I had a chance to chat with him. He's had a difficult health journey ever since returning from the service many years ago. This past year, his daughter told my daughter, was filled with hospital stays with serious battles. And yet there he was doing his usual "Amish taxi" work....waiting while his customer spent time in the library, window rolled down, summer outfit in the middle of December, the usual cigarette in his hand. He looked like I do more times than I care to imagine....a bit rough around the edges!

I was happy to see him and went over to say hello. We chatted about our families, our year, our health (though neither of us mentioned the "C" monster, I assumed he knew). A few minutes passed and I went on my merry way into the library. I would tell my daughter about this encounter.

A week or so later, my daughter saw a Facebook post written by this neighbor's daughter.....Her dad told the story of sitting in the Christiana Library parking lot and seeing a red Mercury Milan pulling in beside him (my car). The lady driving the car came over to him and started chatting with him like they knew each other :-). He was too embarrassed to admit that he had no idea who she was. He went along with the conversation but was so curious who he was talking with!!! (How many of us have done that?!) His description of the car was perfect....but he described the woman as about 5'8" (I'm 5'2") and in her 30's.....ummmm, I'm in my upper 50's and definitely NOT looking 30 something these days. Of course, this makes me smile. Yes, his vision is a bit off. But I'LL TAKE IT!

I'll take being a short gal but having the perspective of being tall and confident. I'll take looking at a situation and envisioning the best case scenario. I'll take seeing people in a gentle light filtered through grace. I'll take a difficult diagnosis and see God's loving hand covering it all with strength and joy. I'll take this medication and receive health for today and many more tomorrow's. I take faith and reject fear. I'll take a "can do" attitude instead of "that's not possible" thinking.

I like how you see things, Bill! God sees us that way, too. In reality we are frail sinners, weak willed and selfish. But, because of Jesus' provision, our Heavenly Father sees us as clean, powerful, called. We are ambassadors of His grace. He's given EACH of us a mission field....whether home with our small children, in the law office, at the job site, in the Ann B. Barshinger Cancer Institute....wherever our feet may go. We are forgiven, cleansed, chosen, LOVED. That's how I see things and I'm stickin' to it! Oh, and feel free to remind me when I forget!!!

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