Wednesday, May 4, 2016

My little mustard seed.

"The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." We know this verse, have heard it many times...and I heard it again yesterday on the radio. It reminded me of the many many people who are praying for me and my family. What a tremendous gift,  what a blessing to us! Thank you. Where would we be without that prayer support?

I arrived at Landis Homes to walk laps in the pool with my dad. After a quick hello to my mother, Dad and I headed down the hallways towards the pool area. We met up with a dear couple who Dad introduced me to. The woman's first words to me were, "We're praying for you. We've added you to our prayer list." I had never met these people before....and yet, they are talking to God about me! Thanking them we moved on. As we walked past the kitchen area, I saw a former co-worker. I look for him every time I go by....but TODAY he was there with a warm hug and compassionate voice. Another friend who is lifting me up before our Father. How blessed I am!

A few days ago in the grocery store I walked by an acquaintance as she was bagging groceries. With a quick hug and a matronly kiss on the cheek (never mind that I'm probably older than she), she let me know that she cares and is praying for me as well. How blessed I am!

With so many prayers going to God on my behalf, prayers that are powerful and effective, why am I not completely healed instantly? Why do I have moments of tears and despair? There are probably as many answers to this as there are people who read these words! I have none. We've ALL had "unanswered" prayers. All I know is that I have to keep on believing, keep on trusting and keep on declaring that my life is in God's hands. There's no place I'd rather be.

At this time, I'm on a moderate dose of Tarceva and feeling pretty good. My major concern is my vision, which seems to be affected. It's not terrible but thoughts of "worst case scenario" play through my mind when I allow the thoughts to run where they want to go. It's a constant act of the will to wrestle them in and declare - yes, sometimes shout - to the forces around me that I TRUST GOD. Why do I so easily forget the many blessings I'm receiving and focus my thoughts on the one area that is challenging??? Why, oh, why, O ye of little faith!? And so I look at my little mustard seed faith in my hand and stand on this promise I believe the Lord pointed out to me for such a time as this:

Therefore all who devour you will be devoured;
And all your adversaries, every one of them, will go into captivity
(this is what I see the Tarceva doing);
For I will restore you to health
And I will heal you of your wounds, declares the Lord.
Jeremiah 30:16,17

This is my daily (or more) declaration from Romans 8: Thank You, Father, that there is NO condemnation for me because I am in Christ Jesus! Thank You that my mind is set on the Spirit and I walk in life and peace. Thank You that Your Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in me. And He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead is giving LIFE to my MORTAL BODY through Your Spirit who dwells in me!!!!

I speak that LIFE to every cell of my mortal body...every part. And am praying God's protection over my eyes...that the Tarceva will do it's job on the cancer cells and not have effects on anything else...commanding my immune system to do it's job. Please, please don't wait until you are facing a difficult diagnosis to develop faith for health. Don't take your health, your strength, your vision, your hearing for granted. Too many people have been jolted with a medical diagnosis that comes out of nowhere! It can drive you to your knees. And that's where you will find me today. On my knees, before my Redeemer - who provides ABUNDANT REDEMPTION - with hands raised in supplication....and worship. Will you join me?

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