Saturday, February 20, 2016


With the insurance company's 'blessing', Jerry and I returned to the Ann B. Barshinger Cancer Center for the first of 24 monthly infusions I am going to receive.  Dr. Oyer prescribed a strong medication that will strengthen my bones - preventing new cancer from advancing and fighting what is already present.  We walked down the hallway of the Infusion Therapy area.  I had no idea what to expect as I peeked into the individual suites. Each area had a recliner, TV, spacious windows, and of course, an IV.  Jerry was the dutiful husband carrying my heavy bag overflowing with laptop, devotional book, pencils, novel, coloring book, calendar, wallet (none of which I used!). I hugged my prayer shawl and wide-eyed inspected this new place that will be a part of my life. Since this was my first time, the obligatory talk about side effects was offered. I just wanted to get the show on the road and feel like I'm FINALLY doing something tangible to fight this thing....yes, I am praying (and thank you to all who are praying with us for good health) and I KNOW that is even more powerful than any medication....but I confess that it feels good to at least be taking this small step.  The Infusion Therapy staff greeted me and made me feel comfortable in this new place. "The Sisters" welcomed me cheerfully with a lovely bag filled with goodies. (I still have not gotten the results back from the biopsy.  Not the detailed information which will dictate what "the plan" will look like for me. My next doctor appointment is scheduled for Thursday. The expectation is to know at that time.  We're also getting a second opinion that day.) And so it begins. Jerry wondered around the building, bringing me pretzels because in my stuffed bag I neglected to include a snack of any kind! Imagine that! The 30 minutes of infusion passed quickly with phone calls and a chat with a nutritionist. How strange to go from watching every bite of food that I put in my mouth to make sure I don't gain a pound to making sure I eat enough to not lose any more pounds.  It only takes a moment, a word, to change our perspectives, doesn't it?

This new word - INFUSION - has intrigued me since becoming a part of my vocabulary. I feel the tug of God telling me that there is much to learn from this concept, this idea. So here's what little I do know about the actual process....Infusion treatment can take from 30 minutes to hours long.  It's done by putting an IV into your arm or hand (as was the case with me since I have a good vein there). One definition of infusion is "the act of adding one thing to another to make it stronger or better".  I like that! In the physical realm, I'm having a drug added to my body to make my bones stronger and better!  How does this apply to our real life - our walk with Jesus?

I found the word "infuse" in the Bible in Ezekial 37:5 NET: This is what the sovereign LORD says to these bones: Look, I am about to infuse breath into you and you will live. God is the author, the giver of life. His breath sustains and strengthens us. I desire to breathe in His breath with every breath that I take.  I receive that life to my dry bones today! May His Life and Light flow through every fiber of my being....filling my lungs with health and vitality. This is my prayer for my physical body. In the same way our spirits need His breath to stay alive and growing. How do we receive a fresh infusion of His breath each day? Each moment?

For those needing physical infusion treatments, it requires a sacrifice of time....a bit of discomfort....going there even on days when we don't feel like it...because it's what is NEEDED to become stronger and better.  How do we infuse the life of God into our regular become stronger believers, better ambassadors of Jesus?  Does it require time...a bit of discomfort....going to Him even at moments when we don't feel like it? Hmmmm, yes. But how do we fit this into our crowded days of babies, work, responsibilities? By starting each day when we open our eyes with a thankful prayer, by taking time in His Word, seeking to KNOW Him, by worshiping Him in our car as we travel, by lifting up our brothers and sisters as He brings them to mind, by acknowledging Him in the ordinary moments. by reflecting on His goodness at the end of each day.  As I was speaking with Dr. Oyer about the challenges I'm experiencing due to this unwelcome presence in my lungs, I mentioned that I'm not able to sing as well and have not been on the worship team since my diagnosis.....His wise reply was, "But it can't keep you from worshiping, can it?". How awesome is that!!!?  No matter what we are facing in this day, we can choose to allow the life of God to infuse us with His power and confidence and faith and hope and peace.....and health. Yes, there are times when I rip the IV out of my vein and allow fear to overtake me. But, with God's help, we can keep the infusion going through the good and the bad and the mundane.

This precious old hymn, penned in the 1800's, has been echoing through my mind this morning.....May it be your prayer for this day as well....

Breathe on me, Breath of God,
Fill me with life anew,
That I may love what Thou dost love,
And do what Thou wouldst do.

Breathe on me, Breath of God,
Until my heart is pure,
Until with Thee I will one will,
To do and to endure.

Breathe on me, Breath of God,
Blend all my soul with Thine,
Until this earthly part of me
Glows with Thy fire divine.

Breathe on me, Breath of God,
So shall I never die,
But live with Thee the perfect life
Of Thine eternity.

1 comment:

  1. Tonight I was listening to Andy Stanley (as I often do) and his sermon was titled "Breathing Room". Thus this entry, and especially your hymn reference, touched my spirit tonight. Thank you, Nancy, for allowing us to walk this journey with you.


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