Monday, February 8, 2016

Very. Present.

I have a confession to make....I've never seen the movie "The Passion of the Christ".  My family went; I stayed home.  As mentioned before, I get easily overwhelmed and emotional by those kind of visuals.  I don't think I need to see the movie to grasp the price He paid for me to be a child of God. Lately, however, I've been thinking about those precious, nail-scarred, tender hands. In my journal I drew (NOT an artist) hands with scars and scrawled my name across them. Jesus said to Thomas, "Reach here with your finger, and see my hands; and reach here your hand and put it into My side; and do not be unbelieving, but believing....Because you have seen me, have you believed? Blessed are they who did not see, and yet believed."  THAT'S US!  I receive that blessing from Jesus! I take comfort in seeing those strong hands that suffered such pain so that I can be at peace. Our names are written in the palm of those hands.

I thought again of the crucifixion and the pain that Jesus endured.  Jesus bravely walked into the UNKNOWN of physical pain and suffering....and the KNOWN of carrying the weight of the sins of ALL of mankind, the KNOWN of His Father turning His face away, the KNOWN of certain death....and the KNOWN of glorious resurrection and joy and redemption. With all of these KNOWNS and UNKNOWNS He traveled the journey set before Him.

As a medical newbee, all of the new procedures I'm experiencing are unknowns that bring a battle with fear to my soul.  I'm seeking to live this journey with God's peace as my guide.  I don't know what to expect with the lung biopsy tomorrow when Jerry drives me to the hospital through the snow. So many unknowns!  But this morning, God reminded me that He is a very present help in trouble. Yes,yes, I know His presence is always with me.  But why the added emphasis - VERY?

Jesus was very present on that cross - He had no anesthesia as the nails were pounded into His hands and feet; was not even in the "twilight zone" (which is where I'm told I'll be) when the soldiers drove a spear into His side.  He felt it all. He. was. very. present. He is present with us in our trouble as well......

GOD is my refuge and strength,
a VERY present help in trouble.
(Psa. 46:1)

A friend, when going through a terrible time of grief, felt the comforting, tangible hand of God on her back.  I'm so thankful that God isn't some cosmic force hovering around the earth and maybe randomly stopping by to check up on us!  He is very present in our lives, in our pain and failures and joys and successes and unknowns.  Therefore I will NOT fear....I can walk confidently into my unknown because I DO know that Jesus is walking beside me.  His nail-scarred hand is resting ever so gently upon my head.  He is very present....even as close as a gentle breath upon my cheek and the soft whisper...."My daughter, Do not be afraid. I am with you. Always, And forever."  And I think if you listen closely, you will hear His reassuring whisper in your heart as well..........


  1. You were on my heart the minute I opened my eyes this morning. I am praying for you that you will feel the presence of the almighty all around you. I pray for peace and that the procedure will go smoothly. Much love from the Kennel family as you travel this road

  2. You are annointed in your use of words. What a gift.prAying as you walk this next step.


I am a Poem

  A new day beckoned and I awoke With a dream to write a poem When the new day spoke: "I am a poem", said the day. "I will be...